Friday, January 04, 2008

Quote of the Day!

I have been reading Greg Boyd's blog lately and came across this statement about politics. It is my quote of the day.

So, I'm guessing it will in the end be Huckabee against Obama. And, despite the conservative rally I think Obama will win, because I don't think Huckabee stands much of a chance. Obama will be our next president.

Or not.

And none of this matters much -- which is the main point for Kingdom people to remember. Whatever happens in this rat race, please don't let yourself get sucked in. Have you're opinions, make your guesses, vote if you want to. But always remember that the power that will ultimately conquer evil and save the world is not the power that flows from Caesar's throne. It's rather the power that flows from Calvary.

This bears repeating:

But always remember that the power that will ultimately conquer evil and save the world is not the power that flows from Caesar's throne. It's rather the power that flows from Calvary!!

This is awesome! It is so true - Christians can be involved in things politically and try as able to disciple the nations for Christ, but when it comes down to it - American politics matter little compared to the politics of the Kingdom of God - love that flows from Calvary! Political maneuvers cannot make the world a better place to live - only the power of God can do that - and it is made more effective when his people choose to live out Kingdom politics in the world!

Let me know what you think.


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