searching books
This will sound a bit dunce, but I am just now figuring out how to search books on Amazon... so with that I have been enjoying searching through Harold W. Hoehner's Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary. One problem, if the wifey figures this more book (or commentary) buying! :( (or it will be harder to convince (or justify to) her of such.
Labels: books
Brian you are a bit of a dunce if you just barely found that out ; )
But here's the kicker you can only view a limited amount of pages until it will finally cut you off so although the searching feature is cool you wouldn't really be able to use it all the time or for everything you need.
I'm telling you, if you haven't already checked out Cokesbury's iPreach give it a look. They have a trial period so that you don't have to drop the fund right away. It's cheap and it gives you access to some really good commentaries.
BTW as far as searching books through Amazon give this link a look
Also in case you didn't know there is Google Book Search and Microsoft Live Books search as well.
well, I figured out that when it stopped all I have to do is put in the specific page and I can keep going - so if it cuts off at 145, I can type in pg 146 and get a few more pages till it cuts off again and so on.
I really do need to look up cokesbury iPreach.
There is that but what I'm speaking of is that Amazon only lets you look at a certain amount of pages per book. So after like 20 or so it will cut off for that book. But you could always sign in under another account but sometimes they want you to have made purchases in the past on that account before they will let you see the book.
I'm not sure how you're doing that. I just checked a book and the excerpt jumps from page 33 to the index numbered 328. I can't type in a number by hand though it seems those pages exist. I did a quick google check and I'm not sure if there is a way to upgrade your account and read all of the pages or not. I'd probably pay a small fee to be able to read more.
Well, to get started I type in a phrase in the search bar such as "spiritual blessing" for Ephesians 1 (for example) and go to that page read through the pages until it stops, then whatever page the last one is, where I typed spiritual blessing, I type the next page number in the search bar - an index comes up with hyperlinks listing page numbers, I click on the one I want and it picks up where I left off, and so on. I hope that makes sense.
Interesting. The search feature on the left seems to work for some books and not for others. I'm going to try this out on some other books I think.
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